
Time Commitment - Models should set aside 4 hours for shoots of the 'Male Form' done in the studio or 2-3 hours for 'Implied Nudes'. This only accounts for actual time in front of the camera. Prior to the shoot the model should include 30-45 minutes to discuss the shoot and signing the model release. After the shoot time is needed to pick up, pack up and any travel time. My studio is about 5 minutes west of the beltline between Middleton and Cross Plains, Wisconsin.
Of course, if the shoot is done at some remote location there is a longer travel time involved. If a remote shoot was planned I work out all details with the model well in advance.
Planning - Before every shoot, I like to talk to the model about what types of images we will be doing so we can plan the shoot together. This planning can be done via email or phone and does not have to be done in person.
Clothing - By the day of the shoot the model will know what is expected and what to bring. MOST shoots involve the model bringing a variety of their everyday clothing. We probably won’t work with every item, but having a variety is good.
Props - I also find that ‘small’ props can add to an image. Before the shoot begins, I will ask if there are any small items (small as in: easily ported in a car to the shoot) that they identify with. These items can range from drumsticks to sporting equipment or even porcelain sculptures. Just anything that is ‘you’ and adds to the shoot.
Music - If we are in the studio, I normally ask the model to bring whatever music they enjoy so we can play their music during the shoot.
Actual Shoot - In general I prefer models who simply want to work together to create great images. In this manner, it is a cooperative effort and both of us are more than likely going to obtain what we want.
In a typical shoot of the ‘Male Form’ or ‘Implied Nudes’ , the first hour is working with a variety of clothes in fully to partially dressed states. After the model has had time to get comfortable working in front of the camera we will do a classic set of images in the nude highlighting the male body using directional lighting.
I always give verbal direction to the model and make it a rule that I don’t touch the model.

At the end of every TFCD shoot I always allow the model the opportunity to do a series of images of their choosing (up to 30 minutes or so and as long as it is not hard core porn). This time gives the model a chance to do images they are interested in. This is optional, but a valuable opportunity for the model if they chose to use it. NOTE: this does not include shoots where the model is paid.
References - If you are considering doing a shoot and would feel more comfortable getting references from former models…. Please contact me and I will be glad to provide you with their email addresses. (Note: before blindly providing a previous model’s email address, I would request that we have at least made initial contact and you have shown a genuine interest in doing a photo shoot.)

Your Look/Experience
What is Involved in doing a Shoot
Where and When
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