It is not unusual for amateur models to wonder if:
- A) the shoot will cost them money - OR,
- B) how much they will get paid.
It is a good question and an important fact to get settled before doing a shoot as both are true depending on agreements.
For models that I work with, my Immediate answer to this question is:
- Male Form/Full Nudes – I pay $50/hr
- Implied Nudes – Free
- Fitness/Muscle shoots – I charge $75/hr
- Fashion shoot – I'm not equiped to do
If you are interested in the ‘why’ of this pricing structure read the next section just below.
In addition, further down this page there is a more detailed description of each of these shoots and what is entailed.
Why This Pricing Structure?
When I first started this site the sole purpose was to display my work. There was never a goal to make money from the site and as such I relied heavily on what is called TFCD (Time for CD). This is where the model donates their time and in exchange they get a CD with all the final images. With this, both model and photographer received something for their work.
(Note: Most Amateur models aren’t aware of the fact that if you are paid for your modeling work you will receive financial returns but in many (most) paid gigs you will not receive copies of the images you helped to create, the images belong to whoever paid for the gig.)
TFCD requires both the model and the photographer to want the same type of images. My goal is to photograph the Male Form, which means everything from clothed, partially clothed and nudes. The key is I expect all three (clothed, partial clothed, nude) in each shoot to capture the full essence of the Male Form.
For any models willing to work with me doing a shoot of the male form in exchange for TFCD I will still provide them an electronic copy of all the final images. For those who wish to be paid ($50/hr) I will work with them and still provide them 20 of the final images (which is more than most paid shoots provide).
On a few occasions I’ve had models willing to be partially clothed and naked but didn’t want to show any frontal. This is referred to as ‘implied nudes’. With the right model I can use these types of images and if they are willing to work with me on a TFCD arrangement have agreed to work with them.
Many potential models have requested a shoot where we would do just fashion (which I’m not equipped to do) or some type of fitness/muscle shots. I don’t have a use for these types of images and in the past have turned down these requests.
However, if a guy is willing to pay for my time I will ‘consider’ doing a 1 hour fitness/muscle shoot which will result in 12-18 final images. For $75, keep in mind that after the shoot is done I can spend at least 3-4 hours selecting the top images and another 1 – 1.5 hours retouching each photo. My total time for a fitness/muscle shoot can total 24-36 hours. Do the math, I’m NOT making money but hopefully I’ll capture 1-2 images I can use and that is the only reason I’ll consider a fitness/muscle shoot with the ‘right’ model.
Male Form Shoots
Most shoots of the Male form will last about 4 hours. Paid time($50/hr paid to model) starts when the camera begins shooting and ends when I put the camera down for the last time. The model should arrive 45-60 minutes prior to the shoot as there is some time needed to setup, briefly discuss the shoot and sign the necessary paperwork (modeling release). This setup time is not included in the paid time.
During this shoot we will shoot hundreds of images. I will select the best of these for final processing. If it is a paid shoot the model will be able to select 20 of the final images for which they will receive an electronic copy on CD. If it is a TFCD the model will receive all final images on a CD.
The Male Form will start with clothed shots and we gradually work to full nudes. Full nudes will include frontal images, mostly soft but a few hard shots will also be taken. I don’t concentrate on a lot of hard shots as they are borderline porn if not done correctly. For a full description of this type shoot click the “What Is Involved” link at the bottom of this page. Samples of images from this shoot are shown to the right.
Implied Nude Shoots
Implied Nudes are something I can use. I much prefer the ability to capture the entire Male Form but some guys are nervous at first and feel safer with just doing Implied Nudes. Since I can use some of these images for my Art I will work with them (if time is available) in hopes they enjoy our work together and might come back to do a full shoot of the Male Form (clothed, partial clothed, nude).
Implied Nudes involve fully nude and partially clothed images with the goal to show off the male form but are carefully posed to avoid showing any direct frontal images showing the penis. They may include a carefully positioned hand, body angle, piece of clothing or strategically placed object.
Most Implied Nude shoots will last about 2-3 hours. Again, the model should arrive 45-60 minutes early for setup, discussing the shoot and signing the model release. There is no pay to the model for implied nudes nor is there a charge… it is Free. This type of shoot is only done as TFCD and the model will receive an electronic copy on CD of all final images.
During the shoot we will shoot hundreds of images. I will select the best of these for final processing. For a full description of this type shoot click the “What Is Involved” link at the bottom of this page. Sample of images from this shoot are shown to the right.
Fitness/Muscle Shoots
I limit Fitness/Muscle shoots to when I have time for them. In addition, I keep them to approximately 1 hour of camera time. If I have time and agree to do this type of shoot with you there will be a $75/hr charge that will be paid the night of the shoot. The model should show up 45-60 minutes prior to the shoot for setup and to discuss the shoot. Paid time starts when the camera begins shooting, there is no charge for the 45-60 minute setup/discussion time.
During the shoot we will take 100-150 images. I will select the best of these for final processing and will process 12-18 of the best images from the shoot. I will work with the model to learn what type images they most want and we will focus on those.
Fashion Shoots
Fashion shoots I simply can’t do as they require makeup artists, stylists, designers and lots of other items I simply do not have. To be good at a fashion shoot, the cost is prohibitive. I have tried a couple times but quickly realized I am not setup for this type of work.
If you have read all of this information and should still have questions please feel free to email me. I don’t wish to scare any potential models away. I feel it is important to be honest and up front prior to any shoot and will be glad to answer any questions you may have. Please use the 'Contact Me' link just below to email me.
Implied Nudes

Male Form

Muscle - Fitness